Serving Orange County 24hrs every day! (714) 766-9537


24hr. Mobile Locksmith Services (714) 766-9537 (License #LCO4446)

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Emergency - fast service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Emergency Services

Emergency Services

Your day has just gotten critically worse-lockout! You’ve left your automobile keys locked contained in the car... Or possibly your ignition key has snapped off in the ignition. What to do now? Don't worry HB Locksmith will come to your rescue.

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Auto/Car Locksmith

Auto/Car Locksmith

Our inexpensive prices cover your complete vary of keys, locks and security requirements that you simply require for speedy satisfaction. Keep in mind, we offer all of your options at prices you possibly can afford.

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Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, our Locksmiths are able to provide the most advance commercial security services for your business. Offering unique and high quality security designs for our business clients...

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Your home lock system isn't as safe as you think - watch the video!

The ease and extent of lock bumping could easily destroy the façade of security that normal locks project. Have a look at the video to know why lock bumping is a genuine threat and how to protect your home using better, more advanced locks.

Get your own anti-bump MT5+ lock installed by HB Locksmith - authorized Dealer and installer of Mul-T-Lock in Huntington Beach, CA.

"Finding a locksmith after hours on a Saturday night is FAR from the easiest and most hassle-free task, especially when all you can think about is how you could have lost your keys and how much it will cost. Thankfully I can across Golden Locks and from the second I called and was greeted on the phone all worries were put to rest. I was able to get a straight price and given a reasonable arrival time..."

Randy Briggs, Irvine. CA